E-file-13 - How to Pay Franchise and Excise Tax Online

If your tax preparer has filed your return and you only need to make a payment, follow these steps.

  1. To pay without logging into TNTAP:
  1. Navigate to the main TNTAP page;
  2. Click on “Make an ACH Debit Payment” or “Make a Credit Card Payment” hyperlink and provide the information as requested;
  3. Once completed, click the “Submit” button to pay your tax return online.
  1. 2Pay while logged into TNTAP:
  1. Log into TNTAP
  2. Select your FAE Account and Period, then select the “Make a Payment” link in the “I Want To” section
  3. Choose ACH Debit or Credit Card, and then fill in the information requested
  4. Once completed, click the “Submit” button


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