An informal conference is typically unnecessary in the following situations:
- Requesting information or asking questions about your account. Please contact our Taxpayer Services Division at 615-253-0600 or send us a message through this website. Your request will be routed to the appropriate staff.
- If you received an estimated proposed assessment because you did not timely file a tax return. The Department of Revenue sends out notices of proposed assessment that have estimated amounts due when taxpayers do not file tax returns by the due date. If you have received this kind of proposed assessment, you should file the missing return and report the amount of tax that is owed-even if that amount is zero, including any applicable penalty and interest. Filing your return will correct the estimated assessment and replace that with the amount actually owed. To properly close the account, returns are sometimes required even if you have had zero business activity. Contact our Taxpayer Services Division at 615-253-0600 or send us a message through this website to properly close the account.
- If you only want to challenge the assessment of interest. You should be aware that if the tax assessment is correct, state law prohibits the Department of Revenue from waiving interest.
If you agree that the assessment is correct but cannot afford to pay it all at once. If you want to pay the liability through an installment payment agreement, click here. If you want to submit an offer in compromise, click here.