VR-1 - Renewal Notice Reminders are Mailed to Registrants

Renewal notices are mailed each month approximately six weeks in advance of the expiration date of the registration, which is the last day of the registration month as indicated by the month decal on the license plate.  The Tennessee Department of Revenue sends out renewal notices as a courtesy and motor vehicle registrants are obligated to renew vehicle registrations by the expiration date regardless of receipt of the courtesy reminder.

Renewal notices are not required to renew registration. Any document that includes the license plate number or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), including but not limited to the current/expired registration certificate, can be used to obtain renewal.

For registrants who renew online at www.tncountyclerk.com/, an email reminder is automatically sent as well.

Despite the best efforts of the Postal Service, there are times that mail does not make it to the intended mailbox.  When in doubt about the expiration of your vehicle registration, please refer to the sticker on your license plate or the registration certificate in your vehicle.

More information: Department of Revenue website page on renewalsRevenue to Send Postcards.

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