This registration process depends on the account to be registered. This is how to register a brand new business. This is how to register a new account after logging in.
Please see any Motor Fuel specific details below.
Refund accounts for as Agriculture Gas Refund, Auxiliary Motor/Percentage Refund, End User Refund, and Unlicensed Exporters can register after logging into TNTAP or from the TNTAP home page.
- Logged in: When selecting the account type, look for “Motor Fuel Refund” and progress through the registration.
- Brand new taxpayer: If you are a new taxpayer, you must register from the TNTAP Homepage. Click “View Registration Links” and “Register a Motor Fuel Refund Account.” Progress through the registration, and submit the request.
Motor Fuel Wholesaler and Governmental Sales refund accounts can only be registered for after logging into TNTAP. You must already have a wholesaler or supplier’s license.
- When selecting the account type, look for “Motor Fuel Refund” and progress through the registration.
For all other accounts such as Blender, Motor Fuel Distributor, Compressed Natural Gas Dealer, Compressed Natural Gas User, Dyed Fuel Retailer, Fuel Alcohol Producer Fee, Liquefied Gas Dealer, Liquefied Gas User, Restricted Importer, Terminal Operator, and Transporter.
- Logged in: Select “Motor Fuel” as the account type and progress through the registration.
- Brand new taxpayer: Register your business from the TNTAP home page. Click “Register a New Business” and fill out the required details.