TNTAP Registration-1 – Registering a New Location Through TNTAP

You may register a new location using your TNTAP account by following the steps below.  

Business owner access:      

  1. Log in to your TNTAP account.
  2. Click the “More…” tab.
  3. Click “Register New Location.”
  4. Enter the location information, and select the “Next” button.
    1. You can go back to completed pages of the form by selecting the “Previous” button.
  5. Complete the form’s pages, and submit the request.


Third Party access:

  1. Log in to your TNTAP account.
  2. Click the “More…” tab.
  3. Click the “Register New Client Account or Location” link.
  4. Enter in the ID Type, ID, and Last name.
  5. Click “Search.”
  6. Select “Add Location.”
  7. Complete the form’s pages, and submit the request.
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