TNTAP Payments-2 – Franchise and Excise Tax Estimated Payments in TNTAP

Making a Franchise & Excise Estimated Payment

There are two ways to make an estimated payment:        

  1. Non-logon payment
  2. Logon payment

Taxpayers with a logon will most likely want to make a payment using the Logon payment option.         


Making a non-logon payment

  1. Click the “Make a Payment” link.
  2. Select the kind of payment.
  3. For Account Type, choose Franchise & Excise Tax.
  4. Fill in the Taxpayer ID Type, ID, and Account ID.
  5. Input the Contact’s name, phone number, and email address.
  6. Click Next.  
  7. Choose Estimated Payment.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Fill in payment details.
  10. Choose the Period (this should be the filing period end date you want the estimated payment to be credited towards). For example: if you are making an estimated payment for your 2020 return and you have a fiscal year end of 12/31, you would select 12/31/2020.
  11. Click Submit and enter you email address.


Making a Logon Payment 

  1. Logon to TNTAP.
  2. Click “Make a Payment” next to the Franchise and Excise account.
  3. Choose ACH Debit or Credit Card.
  4. Choose or enter in Payment Channel information.
  5. Change Payment Type to “Estimated Payment.”
  6. Choose the Period (this should be the filing period end date you want the estimated payment to be credited towards). For example: if you are making an estimated payment for your 2020 return and you have a fiscal year end of 12/31, you would select 12/31/2020.       
  7. Input, and confirm the amount.
  8. Click Submit and enter your password.
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