TNTAP Login-6 – TNTAP Authentication Code

The Department of Revenue uses two-factor authentication when logging in to TNTAP. 

  • The first factor is the logon which is a unique username and password.
  • The second factor is a six-digit code that is sent to the taxpayer after the taxpayer attempts to logon.

This code is called an authentication code. When you first log into TNTAP, you choose whether your authentication code should be emailed, texted, or provided by authentication app. When selecting text, please choose the mobile carrier you use for your mobile phone.           

When you login to TNTAP for the first time from a new device, you will enter your username and password. An authentication code will be provided. If the code is emailed to you, please leave this screen up while checking your email in another window so that the session is still up.             

Enter the provided code.            

When you have entered the code, you can check the box next to "Remember this Device”. Checking the box allows TNTAP to validate the device you are using and to sign on to the system using only a username and password from this device in the future. This should only be used for a trusted device, not a public one.           

Not checking the box means you will need a new authentication code each time you login to TNTAP from the device.             

Additionally, if you access your account using a different device, a new authentication code is required.

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