TNTAP Tax Returns-12 – Uploading a File for a Motor Fuels Tax Return

Many motor fuel accounts can be filed by uploading an XML or Excel file. To upload a file:

  1. Log in to TNTAP.
  2. If you have access to multiple taxpayers, select the taxpayer.
  3. Select the “File Now” hyperlink next to the return due alert.
  4. Respond to the question “Do you have any activity to report for the period?”
  5. Select if you are uploading an XML or Excel Template, and click “Next.”
  6. Upload your file and click “Next.”       
    • If the file is not compatible you may see errors. Schema errors will need to be fixed on the file and uploaded. Many errors with filing details can be fixed within TNTAP on the next screen. Error example: a date in the file that is not within the period.
  7. Progress through the return submission to verify the filing details, and submit the return.
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