TNTAP Login-7 – Issues with Receiving an Authentication Code

There are several reasons that it may appear as though you did not receive your authentication code. Use the tips below to troubleshoot the issue.          

  • Authentication emails sometimes go into your junk, spam, or clutter folder. To resolve this, indicate that emails from the Department of Revenue are not junk.
  • You entered your email address incorrectly when registering. If you are able to gain access to TNTAP, you may update your email address or cell phone carrier and/or telephone number in the "Settings" section of TNTAP, located on the main menu bar.

If you previously accessed TNTAP but are currently unable to receive an authentication code to access TNTAP, please send us a message through this application for assistance. Please include:          

  • Your state tax account number(s)
  • Your correct email address
  • Your cell phone carrier and phone number

A representative will get back to you as soon as possible to assist you during business hours. Hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central time, each business day. Taxpayers may also call a representative during the hours mentioned above at (615) 253-0600 to make any needed adjustments.

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