About TNTAP-18 – TNTAP Account Information Protection

Two-Factor Authentication

The Department of Revenue uses two-factor authentication when logging in. The first factor is the TNTAP logon. The taxpayer will have a unique logon and password. The second factor is a six-digit code, which is sent to the taxpayer after he or she attempts to logon. This is accomplished via text, email, or authentication app. Taxpayers can then check a box that requests TNTAP to remember his or her device.

Security Within TNTAP

The Tennessee Department of Revenue keeps your information safe and your privacy secure by using multiple security layers within this system. Information is transferred to and from your computer over a Secure Socket Layer. Additionally, only the tax accounts you request to publish to your online profile are available for your use. TNTAP will also log you out automatically after several minutes of inactivity.

Ways you can Keep your own Account Safe

  • Do not share usernames, or account passwords with anyone.
  • Be sure your password is difficult to guess and unique to this account (i.e. do not use the same password for TNTAP that you use for any other online accounts).
  • Always log off. Once you have completed your transactions it is important to log off, so you do not leave a “live” session active for someone else to use. Your account will automatically log off after 15 minutes of inactivity.
  • Close the browser window where you are logged in to TNTAP when finished.
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