About TNTAP-12 – Closing a Tax Account in TNTAP

To close a Franchise and Excise Tax Account:           

  1. Log in to TNTAP.
  2. Select the File Now link for the current Franchise and Excise return.
  3. Select Yes to “Is this a final return for termination or withdrawal?”
  4. File your final return for termination or withdrawal. When you have completed all of pages on the return, select the “Submit” button.

To close all other accounts on TNTAP:          

  1. Log in to TNTAP.
  2. Select the “Summary” tab.
  3. Select the “Additional Actions” link next to the account.
  4. Click the “Close Account” link
  5. Answer “Do you want to close all locations?" with Yes.
  6. Enter in the date closed, closure reason, and click next.
  7. Answer the questions, and select the “Submit” button.
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