Aircraft-7 - How to Complete the Affidavit of Transfer of Aircraft

Generally, on a purchase or import, you should complete the Affidavit or Transfer of Aircraft Schedules A, D, and sign as the purchaser.  If it is an import, please include the date the aircraft was imported into Tennessee and support the date with the flight records. 

However, the schedules that need to be completed on the Affidavit will depend on the circumstances of your transaction and additional information may be required.  Please support your purchase price with the purchase agreement, purchase invoice, or copies of your bank records and/or credit card statement depending upon your method of payment to the seller.

If you have questions about the affidavit, you may call the Audit Division’s Discovery Unit at (615) 532-6409.

How to file the Affidavit of Transfer:

  • Email to – Please put Aircraft Affidavit in the subject line
  • Via fax (615) 253-2732
  • Mail to:

TN Dept of Revenue
Audit Division – Discovery Unit
PO Box 190644
Nashville TN 37219

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