The franchise and excise tax return is due on the 15th day of the fourth month following the closing of the taxpayer’s books and records. For example, a calendar year taxpayer’s return is due on April 15. However, for the tax period ending December 31, 2021, the due date is extended to April 18, 2022 due to the federal Emancipation Day holiday on April 15, 2022.
Taxpayers should file their franchise and excise online tax using the Tennessee Taxpayer Access Point (TNTAP).
The following transactions can be completed on TNTAP.
- File a franchise and excise tax return (Form FAE170).
- File a franchise and excise tax return for an entity that only owes the $100 minimum franchise tax.
- Make quarterly estimated payments.
- Make an extension payment.
- File the annual exemption renewal (Form FAE183).
- Make a payment for an e-filed annual return.
Note: Effective Jan. 1, 2014, all franchise and excise tax return filings and payments related to form FAE170 must be made electronically. This includes extension payments and estimated payment filings.
Reference: Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 67-4-2015(a); 67-4-2115(a).