RAWD-11 - Determining if Wholesaler Must File Report Due to No Sales To Retailers

If a wholesaler does not sell to retailers, it may still have to file an information report:                     

  • In-state beer importer or brewery - Because you can lawfully sell to retailers within your own county, you must file an information report. If you do not sell to retailers, you will file a zero return each period.
  • Out-of-state importer or brewery - Because Tennessee law restricts you from selling directly to Tennessee retailers, you do not need to file a report.
  • Tobacco wholesaler/distributor - If you have a tobacco tax account with the state of Tennessee or regularly file the TOB552 return, you are required to file a report. If you do not sell to Tennessee retailers, you will file a zero return monthly.
  • Distributor of non-beer and non-tobacco products - If you do not make sales to Tennessee retailers, then you will not be required to file the information report.
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