BOND-2 - How to Submit Surety Bond Rider Form in TNTAP

Instructions for printing a bond rider form can be found here and instructions for completing a bond form are available here. Once you have printed your bond rider form, follow the instructions below to submit your form:

  1. Log into your TNTAP account here:
  2. Once you are logged into your TNTAP account, select Summary tab.

* If you have access to multiple taxpayers, select the taxpayer first.     

  1. Click the “Submit a Surety Bond Form” link.
  2. Under the field that says Bond Form Type, use the drop-down box and select “Submit a Surety Bond Rider Form,” then click Next.
  3. On the next screen, select “Add” then choose “Bond Document” as the bond type.
  4. Upload the document and select “Save.”
  5. Select “Submit” to provide the copy of your bond to the Department.
  6. Enter your password.
  7. You will then receive a confirmation that your bond has been uploaded.
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