To renew existing standard business licenses, taxpayers must first file their annual business tax return with the Tennessee Department of Revenue and pay the tax due. When the tax return and payment are processed, the Department of Revenue will notify the county or city business tax official that a renewal business license can be issued. There is no fee for the renewal of a standard business license.
Businesses who have minimal activity business licenses may receive contact from their local county clerk or city recorder’s office regarding renewing their annual license. It is the responsibility of the business owner to properly renew their minimal activity business license each year.
Business tax can be filed electronically through TNTAP here:
Cities and counties are not required to mail renewal licenses under Tennessee law, but many licensing officials choose to distribute these licenses via mail. Please check with your local city tax official or county clerk to determine their procedure. If the local official opts in, the license may be available for printing through TNTAP as soon as the business tax payment has posted.